Monday 20 January 2014

Napoleon Dynamite title sequence analysis

The title sequence is the first thing an audience sees as they watch the movie so it has to give a good impression of the movie or you could lose the interest of the audience before they even watch the film.

The title sequence for Napoleon Dynamite is simplistic yet tells you so much about the character of Napoleon.

The title sequence with a hand placing down some food on a plate with the production company's name written in source across the top of the plate, it is filmed at the continuous over head, mid-shot as if we are looking at everything as the character sees it, the background is continuously changes through different colored carpets and different        plates of food are placed down and they continue to have the companies that help work on the film written on them, this last for about 25 seconds(00:00-00:25) throughout this birds tweeting in the background can
be heard.
After the food we get around a 10 second glimpse of Napoleons wallet and we learn about his Character development in that he is possibly obsessed with aliens as he has an alien abduction license, we get shown what Napoleon looks like and the year the film is set around and where it is set via Napoleons student card, at this point the song "I can tell that we're gonna be friends" by the white strips has started playing instead of the birds we had during the showing of the production companies.

from 00:40 til 01:12 we are shown more plates of food, all the foods seem like pretty basic meals your mum would cook for you or you would get at school as a lunch given the suggestion that Napoleon still live with his mother and goes to school, the foods all have the actors names written on them somewhere upon them.
 We are then given a shot of a hand made ninja star, an item normally made by a school child who is bored in lesson,reinforcing the idea that he is a student,it has an actors name written on the center of the star and is thrown away before the next shot of two library books which when opened have the name of the casting director and music director written on the return can see the books are called "Bigfoot and me" and "space and centaurs" again showing how he has love of the super natural

The next shot is of some well organised collectible cars suggest he likes to collect items and is well organised whilst doing so this is also shown in the way he organised his school equipment before sweeping them of to the side

The final shot is of a burger and chips with the directors name written across it a hand then places the top of the bun on top and it fades to black. 


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