Friday, 11 April 2014

Evaulation part 7-Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back I feel our final cut of the title sequence went really well considering the reviews of our first cut. I feel in our final cut the whole group was confident in our idea and knew what we needed to portray to our audience in order to keep them engaged with it whereas in our first attempt the story was confusing and no one really knew what was happening, including us, but once we had sat down and discussed our idea with a teacher, this only happened as we had struggled with showing our idea from the start, they lead us to clips on YouTube showing roughly what we wanted to be showing, this lead us to scraping everything we had originally created and starting fresh which could have been risky considering how little time we had left on the project but we managed to pull it off getting overall good reviews on our final cut with only minor complaints such as they didn't like the font or the music was to loud which were both easily fixed.  

Evaulation part 6- what have you learnt about technologies from your media project

We used a DSLR camera to film everything in our title sequence, even the photos that were taken, although we used two different cameras for each with my Nikon being used to take the photos as mine had an manual focus option Ben's for the filming but this didn't have a manual focus only working on auto focus meaning we had to be careful with our film otherwise it could have lost focus on what we wanted rendering the film useless and waste time on re-shots.  

Although we did not use a dolly or Steadicam our group may have benefited form the use of one as they would have been easier to move around with minimal shaking, we instead improvised attaching the camera to the top of a tripod and carrying it by the handle this did reduce shaking but not as much as I feel a dolly or Steadicam would have.

We used Final cut pro as our editing software for our video and Logic pro to create the music both of which I had used before but only for basic drag and drop, I had never added text to a film during it before so that was a new process for me, and I had only used Logic pro once before so I wasn't 100% sure on how it worked.  

Evaluation part 5 How do you attract your auidence.

Our audience was Males of age 15-23 we attempted to attract them with a sense of mystery by keeping as much hidden about the characters as possible such as the reasons our main character is following the drug dealer and the promise of action we hoped this would keep them engaged and will lead them to continue to watch on in order to find out what happens.
Our title "Twist of Fate" was designed to intrigue people in to watching making them wonder what the twist could be.         

Evaulation part 4- who would be your auidence

Evaluation part 3- Who would distrabute our media project.

Using research of films in the similar genre, Green Street Hooligans, Trainspotting, and Bullet Boy we came to the  conclusion that our film would be distributed by a small time independent company rather than a big Hollywood production.
Our film will be viewed mostly on T.V or internet viewing platforms with minimum amount of people viewing in the cinema or buying DVD

Our most likely option is Film4 with funding by the BFI as we are going to be small British production by an unknown producer with a chance for minimal profits meaning a low chance of a big Hollywood company funding our production as they would want big profits,something we can't promise.

Evaluation part 2-How our project represents certain groups

Our title sequence shows the groups of Drug dealers and Drug takers with our main character being the only exception.Our film also represents

Our film represents drug dealers as skinny pale people who often hide there faces, they wear things such as hooded jackets and jeans, they try to remain hidden spending a lot of time in alley ways and closed off rooms, selling to successful looking people(as they are the ones that can afford the drugs).

We represent the people who are buying the drugs as successful looking although you can only see hands in the title sequence you can see that they are wearing blazers, suits or smart looking jackets they are predominantly male, they are wearing dark-ish clothing showing that it's going to be a dark themed film.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Evaluation part 1-In what ways does your media project use, develop or change, codes and conventions of chsen genre

Typical codes and conventions of a crime/drama film would be:
- A chase (usually car).
- A lot of involvement with props that can be harmful such as knifes or guns.
- The villain (protagonist) would usually have some unidentified problems that will be revealed at the very end of the film.
- The hero (protagonist) who saves everyone will have a partner (usually very intelligent or very dopey).
- Characters will usually include someone vulnerable and gangs.
- Crimes will usually be murder/dramas will usually be to do with family of the protagonist.
- Conflicts due to difference in policing.
- Someone’s private life becoming public.
- Betrayal.
Our story idea Conforms with most of these although we challenge conventions such as the protagonist having a partner making him work alone to achieve his goal, our title sequence doesn't feature any weapons such as knifes or guns but we had plan for use of them in the full story.
Our story does feature a chase of sorts as the story is a man attempting to chase down another man taking justice into his own hands.


Final cut

This is the final cut of our title sequence

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Review Day 4

Today was the final review before submission We got overall good feedback with minor, easy to fix problems
The group collective was that the music was good for sequence but was too loud, this can easily be fixed in final cut pro
The biggest complaint we got was that they didn't like the font or the timing of them in the clip, we have begun looking for a new font on DaFont and have found a list that shows how what order the title credits go on the clip.  
These are the feedback sheets we got from other groups:


Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Continuation of Music

With our film somewhat sorted out me and Jonathan continued to work on the music for our sequence, with the change of the film elements, we had to scrap most of what we already had and start basically form scratch, me and Jonathan manged to create something we liked and felt went with our titles, but Ben was unsure of the music, So we'll have to leave it down to our audience to say whether or not they felt it went with the sequence.  

Whilst me and Jonathan worked on the music, we left Ben to do the title credits to the sequence.

Filming Day 7

Taking on board what was said we went and got a few more photos
we also filmed some more clips of our own idea including our main character organizing the camera before taking the pictures and the main character looking at a map given the viewer an idea of location to the film.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Review Day 3

Today we got a better review than we had ever before, we were told the idea is good and our title sequence is becoming more relevant to our idea and what we want it to show
Unfortunately at the moment our clip doesn't last long enough being 50 seconds we were recommended taking more pictures for the sequence and to begin focusing on music and where to position the title credits in our clip  

Friday, 7 March 2014

Filming day 6

Today we went back to Ben's house to continue filming
We used Ben's garage as the location to film for today, we shot clips of our main character setting down the photos taken from yesterday on to a table full of newspaper clippings of drug misuse offences to show how how it is an obsession

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Filming Day 5

Before we started filming we discussed a new idea which feel along the same line as our previous idea but our main character was no longer a drug dealer but was instead hunting the gang of dealers because of events in the past.

After we went back to East Wickham Open Space after school to film a "Drug deal" and took photos of people doing "deals" down alleyways keeping a single constant person in every photo to show how he is the one our main characters is looking for. we also filmed clips of our main character of our main character taking the photos, we continued to discus what else we could add and decided to continue filming again tomorrow.      

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Review day 2

We had added the clips the the production but people began to say how it doesn't link to our films idea,
we spoke to the teacher about our idea and they showed us the Jesse drug dealing montage from Breaking Bad and informed us on that is what we should be heading for to achieve what we need to be showing in our title sequence.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Filming Day 4

Today Jonathan  filmed clips in the school science lab of the production of "drugs", The clips were filmed during a time I and Ben had a lesson in school so we left it to Jonathan and Nathan to get the filming of the clips done.

We met with Jonathan briefly after school to upload and look at the clips, we found that nathan was not a good chose to help in the filming as he had failed to film a lot of the clips in the way we wanted so we will have to re-shoot to get them as we want.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Review day 1

Today was the first showing of our film everyone that watched it told us that they were confused by the narrative of our idea and felt some of the clips were irrelevant to the idea.

People said they were most confused about the walking and it's relevance to the idea, they also didn't like how slow paced it was, it was suggested that instead of having our character walk towards the deal for the whole sequence we shorten the walk and instead have clips of the production of the Drugs then being passed down to each other part of the line (maker>dealer>street dealer>buyer>consumption) we have taken this idea on board and plan to start filming clips for it on monday.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Filming day three

Today we met at the corner as usual and went to Ben's house to re-shoot some of the clips that needed to done
After we finished filming we decided we had all the film we needed

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Filming day two

Today we met at the same location as yesterday, we made our way to ben's house to pick up were we left off filming yesterday, today we filmed the walking clips starting at ben's houses and ending at an alley way near Jonathan's house we again used ben's camera to film all the clips, the majority of the filming was done in East Wickham Open Space, all the film taken today shows the journey of a main character on a journey to meet his friend before going on to do a deal.

Once we were finished we left Ben to upload the clips  and send them to the rest of us. 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Filming day one

Today we met at the corner of elsa road and made our way down to Ben's house to start filming the drug sequence of our idea we started at around 1:30 we used Ben's camera to film

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Roland Barthes media codes.

Enigma codes in media texts were firs  thought up by a man named Roland Barthes, Barthes was a French literary theorist. born in 1980, he describes texts as "A galaxy of signified: it has no beginning; it is reversible; we can only gain access to it by several entries, none of which can be authoritatively claimed as the main one."  meaning he felt a text was better viewed more than once and from more than one viewpoint and only when you've viewed the text in all ways can you fully understand it.

He said that narratives can be open(A text with many different definitions and is open to individuals thoughts and feelings) or closed(Has a single meaning which is set making an other interpretation incorrect and invalided)

He narrowed down this idea into 5 key points that are said to be in every narrative:

The Hermemeutic Code- This refers to an element of a story which is not fully explained leaving it a mystery, This is typically done in order to keep the audience intrigued as they will have to progress in the story to find the answers to the set up enigmas which are commonly revealed at the end.

The Proairetic Code-This is also to build tension but in the from of action rather than mystery, this is achieve by setting up a conflict in which the audience does not know what is going to happen and must continue viewing if the are to find out.

The Semantic Code-This refers to connotation in the text which gives deeper meaning over the basic meaning of the word or item.
The Symbolic Code-This is similar to the Semantic Code only this works on a wider scale organizing semantic meanings into even deeper meaning usually done by setting up opposing or conflicting ideas.

The Cultural Code-This refers to anything that is founded on a canonical work that can not be challenged and is assumed to be the truth this commonly involves science or religion although canons such as magical truths may be used in fantasy texts.

His theories suggest that be creating a mystery it keeps audiences guessing what will happen the same as if certain scenarios, shots, or plot lines are fully explained it leaves the audience questioning what is happening leaving them to go and view the text fully in order to understand.

Font ideas for sequence

These are some examples of some ideas for fonts we are planning to use in title sequence, we may change the colours of the fonts if we don't feel they fit on the background with the colours they have.    

Production Calendar

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Looking at sound

In lesson we looked at ways of creating non-Diegetic sound using a recording devise or video camera, our group was given a video camera and we were all given the instruction of creating sounds for a horror film.

Our group group recorded things such as:
Scratching a pound coin across various surfaces. (metal cupboard, radiator, uneven mirror surface.)
crushing a water bottle.
walking though a puddle.      

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Audience profiling

Annual income:0-10k(A year)
Disposable income:0-400


Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Codes and conventions of chosen genre

The genre of our film idea fits under: Crime Drama.

Typical codes and conventions of a crime/drama film would be:
- A chase scene
- Involvement of props that can be harmful such as knifes or guns.
- The villain would usually have some unidentified problems that will be revealed at the very end of the film.
- The hero who saves everyone will have a partner.

- Characters will usually include someone vulnerable and gangs.
- Crimes will usually be murder/dramas will usually be to do with family of the protagonist.
- Conflicts due to difference in policing.
- Betrayal.

Production Company Logo

This is the logo for our production company it is a red silhouette plane with an orange circle with an yellow circle behind that over the front is High Rise Production written in white across the length of the logo.   

Monday, 20 January 2014

Saul bass

In this lesson we learnt about Saul bass and his involvement in the title sequence industry

Saul bass is an American graphics designer working on films and logos, he is know for his use of simple geometric shapes and single dominate images.

he studied at students league in Manhattan where he went on to work as a freelance graphics designer, he used hand drawn shapes in all his work and was good at capturing the mood of of the films in the posters used as advertisement.

after this we were told to research another title sequence designer and present what we had learnt about them in a power point our group was given Richard Morrison.  

Napoleon Dynamite title sequence analysis

The title sequence is the first thing an audience sees as they watch the movie so it has to give a good impression of the movie or you could lose the interest of the audience before they even watch the film.

The title sequence for Napoleon Dynamite is simplistic yet tells you so much about the character of Napoleon.

The title sequence with a hand placing down some food on a plate with the production company's name written in source across the top of the plate, it is filmed at the continuous over head, mid-shot as if we are looking at everything as the character sees it, the background is continuously changes through different colored carpets and different        plates of food are placed down and they continue to have the companies that help work on the film written on them, this last for about 25 seconds(00:00-00:25) throughout this birds tweeting in the background can
be heard.
After the food we get around a 10 second glimpse of Napoleons wallet and we learn about his Character development in that he is possibly obsessed with aliens as he has an alien abduction license, we get shown what Napoleon looks like and the year the film is set around and where it is set via Napoleons student card, at this point the song "I can tell that we're gonna be friends" by the white strips has started playing instead of the birds we had during the showing of the production companies.

from 00:40 til 01:12 we are shown more plates of food, all the foods seem like pretty basic meals your mum would cook for you or you would get at school as a lunch given the suggestion that Napoleon still live with his mother and goes to school, the foods all have the actors names written on them somewhere upon them.
 We are then given a shot of a hand made ninja star, an item normally made by a school child who is bored in lesson,reinforcing the idea that he is a student,it has an actors name written on the center of the star and is thrown away before the next shot of two library books which when opened have the name of the casting director and music director written on the return can see the books are called "Bigfoot and me" and "space and centaurs" again showing how he has love of the super natural

The next shot is of some well organised collectible cars suggest he likes to collect items and is well organised whilst doing so this is also shown in the way he organised his school equipment before sweeping them of to the side

The final shot is of a burger and chips with the directors name written across it a hand then places the top of the bun on top and it fades to black. 


Monday, 13 January 2014

Twist of fate pitch

Twist of fate from Michael Ben and Jonathan. 

Film idea pitch feedback

In the lesson we did a presentation on the pitch of our movie idea, we discussed things such as
How much we felt we would make back
The plot of the film
 Release dates
 We looked at every groups presentation and did a group assessment for each and got teacher comments on each field we discussed
 On our presentation we were told to rethink our budget and main actor for the film